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来源:自考生网 时间:2019-07-01 10:22:01 编辑:西瓜







1.---Where is Mary?

---She ____ in the library.

A.should be B.must be

C.can be D.must have been

2.His room is dark.He must ____ to bed.

A.go B.be going

C.have gone D.have been gone

3.“Will your father stay home tonight?”

“I’m not sure,He ____to work.”

A.must go B.can go

C.may be gone D.may be going

4.“Where is Tom?”

“He isn’t here I think he ____ have gone home.”

A.may B.must

C.might D.A or B or C

5.“I think Helen is at home.”

“No,she ____ be at home,for she phoned me from the airport just five minutes ago.”

A.mustn’t B.needn’t

C.can’t D.daren’t

6.He’s late.What ____ have happened to him?

A.can B.may

C.should D,must

7.“_____ he be watching TV now?”

“Yes,he _____ be watching TV now.”

“No,he _____ be watching TV now.”

A.Must;can;mustn’t B.Can;must;can’t

C.Must;must;can’t D.Can;can;mustn’t

8.“____.He have left yesterday?”

“Yes,he ____ yesterday.”

“No,he ____ yesterday.”

A.Must;must have left;can’t have left B.Can;can have left;can’t have left

C.Can;must have left;can’t have left D.May;must have left;shouldn’t have left

9.You must be a writer,____ you?

A.mustn’t B.are

C.must D.aren’t

10.You must have seen her yesterday,____ you?

A.mustn’t B.haven’t

C.didn’t D.don’t

11.You must have seen her,____ you?

A.haven’t B.didn’t

C.don’t D.A or B

12.There was plenty of time.She ____ worried or hurried.

A.mustn’t have B.shouldn’t have

C.must be D.needn’t have

13.I got up early,but I ____ so because I had no work to do that morning.

A.mustn’t have done B.didn’t need to do

C.needn’t have done D.can’t have done

14.I ____ up early this morning.So I stayed in bed till 9 a.m.

A.needn’t have got B.didn’t need to get

C.shouldn’t have got D.can’t have got

15.The flower is dead.I ____ it more water.

A.will give B.would have given

C.must give D.should have given

16.He ____ have come here yesterday,but he didn’t.

A.could B.should

C.ought to D.A or B or C

17.“Must he do it?”

“No,he ____.”

A.mustn’t B.needn’t

C.doesn’t have to D.B or C

18.“Need you go now?”

“Yes,I ____.”“No,I ____.”

A.need;needn’t B.must;needn’t

C.may;mustn’t D.can;needn’t

19.“May I borrow your bike?”

“No,you ____.”

A.mustn’t B.may not

C.had better not D.can’t

20.“Can I do it?”

“No,you ____.”or“No,please ____.”

A.can’t;doesn’t B.can’t;don’t

C.can’t;can’t D.can’t;you don’t

21.I missed the last bus,so I ____ go home on foot.

A.must B.have to

C.may D.had to

22.We ____ hurry if we want to arrive in time.

A.must B.need

C.may D.have to

23.He ought to have won the first prize,____ he?

A.oughtn’t B.shouldn’t

C.mustn’t D.oughtn’t to

24.He ____ get up early when he lived in the countryside.

A.would B.used to

C.mustn’t D.can’t

25.My brother ____ be very naughty,and my sister ____ like reading.

A.used to;would B.would;used to

C.used to;used to D.would;would

26.____ you please pass on a message to him?

A.Do B.Shall

C.May D.Will

27.____ we set off now?

A.Shall B.Will

C.Would D.ought

28.“____ he open the window?”


A.Does B.will

C.Shall D.Would

29.I’ve told him many times,but he ____ listen to my advice.

A.shall not B.won’t

C.will not D.wouldn’t

30.“Will you lend me hand?”

“Yes,I ____.”

A.will B.shall

C.can D.may

31.Everyone ____ do his best for the modernization of China.

A.will you B.don’t we

C.shall we D.do you

32.Let’s clean our room,____?

A.will you B.don’t we

C.shall we D.do you

33.Let us watch TV,____?

A.will you B.don’t we

C.shall we D.do you

34.Close the door after you,____ you?

A.don’t B.do

C.shall D.will

35.Every time he meets me,he ____ to me.

A.smiled B.would smile

C.will smile D.is smiling

36.“____ you like to see a film?”

“Yes,I’d like ____.”

A will;to B.Would;to see

C.Would;to D.Will;to see

37.He asked me for his book many times.Please tell him he ____ have it tomorrow.

A.must B.may

C.shall D.is

38.If you go into the fields and turn over a few big stones,a city of ant“people”____ uncovered.

39.Night has fallen.We have to go home,____ we?

A.don’t B.haven’t

C.mustn’t D.shouldn’t

40.The cat ____ hibernate is winter.

A.doesn’t need to B.needn’t

C.mustn’t D.shouldn’t

41.Your composition ____ rewriting,____ it?

A.need;needn’t B.needs;doesn’t

C.needs;does D.need;doesn’t

42.Neither of them ____ the snake.

A.dares catch B.dares to catch

C.dare catch D.dare catching

43.He ____ any help.

A.needn’t B.doesn’t need

C.need D.do need

44.I’m afraid you must have met with many difficulties in the work,____?

A.didn’t you B.aren’t you

C.mustn’t you D.needn’t you

45.I wish to shake hands with you,____?

A.will you B.shall we

C.can you D.may I

46.Susan,you are so lazy.This job ____ hours before.

A.should finish B.could be finished

C.must have been finished D.should have been finished

47.____ if it were spring all the year round?

A.Shall it be nice B.Will it be nice

C.Would it be nice D.Ought it to be nice

48.Jane:You MUST do as I tell you.

Kate:Oh,I must,____?

A.should B.mustn’t I

C.ought I D.must I

49.I don’t suppose he’s finished the job,____?

A.do you B.is he

C.has he D.hasn’t he

50.He was too busy,otherwise he ____ to see you.

A.would go B.would be

C.should have D.would have gone


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