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来源:自考生网 时间:2019-07-01 10:14:28 编辑:西瓜






125.The guests were ____ the room to have a rest.

A.got into B.stepped into

C.burst into D.shown into

126.You will ____ what you have done some day.

A.reply to B.pay off

C.get rid of D.answer for

127.He quickly ____ all the things on the desk and put them into the drawer.

A.took up B.kept up

C.gave up D.did up

128.A helicopter is a plane that can ____ and land straight up and down.

A.get off B.take off

C.fly off D.send off

129.Now that you’re made your plan,why not ____ it?

A.stick to B.keep to

C.work at D.persist in

130.The girl you ____ yesterday is a friend of Lisa’s.

A.came across B.dropped in

C.paid a visit D.talked

131.If I ____ bird,I ____ fly freely in the sky.

A.am;will B.was;can

C.were;should D.had been;should

132.If he ____ tomorrow,I ____ tell him the truth.

A.comes;would B.came;would

C.were to come;will D.should come;shall

133.If she ___ today,we ____ set off tomorrow.

A.arrived;might B.arrives;could

C.arrived;should have D.arrived;will

134.In the eye of the woman,Einstein looked as if he ____ out of a book of fairy tales and ____ her like a spirit.

A.had just stepped;had passed B.stepped just now;passed

C.stepped just;had passed D.has stepped;passed

135.____ the books not properly marked and catalogued,they ____ be so easy to find.

A.If;could B.Were;couldn’t

C.Had;couldn’t D.Were;could

136.Even if the peasant boy ____ without delay nothing ____ him,because he had received a deadly wound.

A.had been tended;could have saved B.were tended;could save

C.had been tended;would save D.were tended;might have saved

137.The emperor ordered that the weavers ____ some gold in order that they ____ their,work at once.

A.should give;could begin B.be given;might begin

C.would be give;could start D.should be given;may start

138.Isn’t it strange that a hard pull at the tail of a hibernating animal ____ cause it to move or wake up?

A.didn’t B.shouldn’t

C.wouldn’t D.mightn’t

139.It was well known that Napoleon always requested that his soldiers ____ the same three questions,and usually in the same order.

A.answered B.could have answered

C.answer D.should have answered

140.On Einstein’s fiftieth birthday,the gifts to him ____ a railway freight ear.

A.filled B.were to fill

C.would have filled D.fill

141.Without air to help to keep the cold out,the animals hibernating in snow ____ of cold.

A.would die B.die

C.died D.had died

142.Lu Xun advised that the youth ____ give up studying foreign languages for even a day.

A.shouldn’t B.wouldn’t

C.didn’t D.weren’t to

143.I wish you ____.

A.didn’t tell her that B.told her not that

C.will tell her that D.had not told her that

144.I suggested that the work ____ started at once.

A.might be B.be

C.was D.would be

145.____ you come late that morning,you ____ missed the train.

A.If;would be B.Have;had

C.Had;would have D.Had;had

146.We hope Xiao Li ____ succeed.

A.should B.shall

C.would D.will

147.It is high time that we ____ to bed.

A.go B.went

C.would go D.shall go

148.The guard at the gate insisted that everybody ____ the rules.

A.obeys B.obey

C.will obey D.would obey

149.If he had followed the doctors advice,he ____ quite all right now.

A.would have been B.be

C.is D.would be

150.It’s necessary that you ____ the entrance examinations.

A.should take B.must take

C.took D.will take


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