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来源:考生网 时间:2022-08-18 16:36:55 编辑:考生网编辑




1、【总结句子】A study says men can have just as strong a bond with their child as mothers. In
the study, the brains of parents were scanncd while they watched videos of their
interactions with children. Fathers who were raising a child by themselves were
found to have a similar emotional response. This meant they were performing both
ror'es of mother and father.
36. Fathers can also establish an intimate t_____ with their child.

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2、【总结句子】The State Council of China issued a guideline to further acelerate household
registration reform. A“points system” 一mainly based on legal permanent
employment and accommodation, seniority in social security and continuous
residence - is to be established in cities with over 5m residents. Those who have
accumulated certain points are qualified to apply for the cities' permanent
household residence for themselves, their spouses, minor children and parents.
37. Ap____ of household registration reform is underway.

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3、【总结句子】Shorter workdays have made headlines lately in Sweden. On I July, the city
began a yearlong experiment with six-hour days, enlisting a segment of
government employees to work less than their eight-bour-a-day counterparts, for
the same pay. The hope is that staffers working shorter days will accomplish just as
much, only with more efficiency and less calling in sick.
38. An experiment on shorter workdays but b______ productivity.

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4、【总结句子】It may seem odd to chow down on a garden salad topped with lentils or salmcn
at 8 am, but who says breakfast meals have to look different than lunch or supper?
Give it a try - you may just find that warmed up stir fry, veggie "pasta", or a crisp
entree salad is your new favorite way to start the day.
39. Suggestion on the f___meal of the day.

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5、【总结句子】Malta is a beautiful southern European country in the Mediterranean Sea,
which has a rich history and culture. There are amazing sky-high clifs to climb, fabulous temples to explore, and lots of wonderful places to go scuba diving. The historic part of Malta has incredible architecture, great walled cities, and many underground tunnels to explore.
40. An attractive seaside r______.

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6、【总结句子】Paragraph Six
Brushing already acidic teeth can further the erosion of one's cnamel. Peoplc
need to give their teeth time to remineralize after being bathed in an acidic
beverage. It's advisable to wait an hour after drinking before lifing a toothbrush.
41. T____ your time brushing your teeth after drinking.

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7、【总结句子】If you remember learning about the senses in elementary school, you know
humans possess five: sense of sight, sense of smell, sense of hearing, sense of touch,
and sense of taste. Most scientists agrec, however, that you have more like ten to
twenty senses, including pain, hunger, thirst, temperature, and more.
42. More senses than commonly k______.

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8、【总结句子】Regular poor sleep can raise the risk of serious medical conditions like obesity,
heart attack and diabetes 一and can even shorten life expectancy. Adequate
exposure to natural daylight is known to be crucial for govemning the body's
circadian rhythm - the built-in clock which dictates our sleeping and waking
43. A key factor to improve onc's sleep and h____

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9、【总结句子】In a new study, a team of neuroscicntists and psychologists from
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) discovered that the barder adults tried
to leam an artificial language, the worse they were at deciphering the language's
morphology - the structure and deployment of linguistic units such as rool words,
suffixes, and prefixes.
44. A scientific discovery on language ____.

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10、【总结句子】Safar's work began to change our perceptions of death - blurring the point that is meant to mark the end of our lives.“We've all been brought up to think death is
an absolute moment - when you die you can't come back. It used to be correct, but
now we've come to understand that even after you've become a cadaver, you're
still retrievable."
45. The boundary between life and death is less and less c______.

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