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来源:考生网 时间:2022-03-03 14:24:40 编辑:考生网编辑




1、【总结句子】The fightened feling of gting cancer is catching. The earth itself is coming
to seem like a huge substance which can cause cancer. The statement that
something between 80 to 90 percent of all cancers is due to the things in the
environment is taken to mean that none of us will be safe until the whole
environment is "cleaned up".
36. People's f_____of getting cancer.

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2、【总结句子】Americans tend to think of time as a road stretching into the future along
which one pogressses The road has many sectons, which are to be kept separat -
“one thing at a time"." So people who cannot plan events are not highly regarded.
37. The American way of u_____time.

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3、【总结句子】No matter how vicious a man may be, there is always in him a part of our
common humanity. AlIl people are reachable somewhere and, if you can control
your own fear, something in the very danger itsef will tll you how to act.
38. The necessity to o_____fear when dealing with an evil person.

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4、【总结句子】Natualization in the UK requires five years’' resdence or three years if the
appliant's spouse is a Briton. Other conditions include good behavior and sound
mind. Those who are not married to a Briton are also required to have a suficicnt
knowledge of English. They must also intend to have their main home in Britain.
39.R_____for acquiring British citizenship.

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5、【总结句子】The. education of the mind is not a mere qustin of remembering facts which someone else gives us. In fact, the mind should conduct its own eduction to a
better extenl. It cannot do this unless it analytically thinks for itelf. A mind that
does not reason is comparatively useless.
40. An educated mind does m_____than remembering given facts.

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6、【总结句子】Kerri Miller was a top student and athlte at her collge. But after she fell in
love with a man who ofefe her some cocaone something went wrong completly.
She bcame dependnt on it. As she entered her second year of drug use, she began
losing weight. Her nose had begun to beed. She even had dfcuty breathing.
41. Drug use tally destoyed her h_____.

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7、【总结句子】Opponents of strict gun controls argue that the right to own firearms is
guaranteed by the US Costution. They recognize that a gun, afer al, is a lifeless
object incapable of acting on is own. The fault lies with the people who misuse it-
the criminals. Violence will be Treduced only if we restrict those who pull the
42. Opponents d _____the right to own guns.

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8、【总结句子】Alll types of men now on earth have a common origin. All men belong to one
great family; though long, long ago there was separation into groups, and the
groups moved outward fom their center or centers, and a gradual development of
different types (which we now call races) took place.
43. The s_____and growth of human races.

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9、【总结句子】All arts are one in the sense that everyone is in some measure an artist, even
though he may shy away fom art galleries and exhibits. Daily we express our
artistic taste in our choice of clothing, household, furiure, costume, jewelry,
flowers, CDs, radio and TV programs and movies.
44. Everybody has the P_____ to ppreciate arts.

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10、【总结句子】Usually a combination of causes produces a result. People nced to distinguish
between necessary and suficicnt conditions. Air is a necessar conditin for the
maintenance of plant life, but air alone is not suficient to produce plant life.
Difrent causes at diferent times may produce the same result.
45. Many causes may l_____to the same result.

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