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来源:自考生网 时间:2019-04-04 13:41:20 编辑:怡






Chapter 6. Similes, Metaphors and Associations

   1. similes and metaphors

General remarks on similes and metaphors

They associate their old experiences with new ones, relate abstract ideas with concrete images and connect unfamiliar things with familiar ones. A simile is a direct comparison between two or more unlike things, normally introduced by “like”or “as” . A metaphor is an implied comparison between two or more unlike things. They have two components: tenor(传达过程) and vehicle(传达手段)

Some cross-cultural similarities and differences in similes and metaphors

Similes and metaphors are different in that the function words “like” or “as” are used in similes rather than in metaphors. On the other hand, they are quiet similar in that they are both concerned with analogy making. They reflect a way of thinking. Analogy making as a way of thinking is universal. from a cross-culture perspective analogies made in English and Chinese may fall into two categories: 1. the same tenors are associated with the same vehicles in both English and Chinese. 2. the same tenors are related to different vehicles in English and Chinese.

  When things are perceived to have the same qualities by both English and Chinese speakers, the same tenors may be associated with the same vehicles in both English and Chinese to express similar meanings.

  When the same qualities are associated with different things in English and Chinese, the same tenors may be related to different vehicles to express similar meanings

Metaphors is daily conversations

Metaphorical expression about ideas

What are said left a bad taster in my mouth

All this paper has in it are raw facts, half baked ideas, and warmed-over theories.

There are too many facts here for me to digest them all

I just can’t swallow that claim

Let me stew over that for a while

Now there is a theory you can really sink your teeth into

That’s food for thought

We don’t need to spoon-feed our students

He devoured the book

This is the meaty part of the paper


Metaphorical expression about love

Metaphorical expression about life

   2. terms of colour

2.1 Red: read is usually associated with celebrations and joyful occasions both in English and Chinese.the red colour is not always associated with something joyful. In englsih, the red light district refers to a district where there are brothels. Red is also associated with certain emotions in both englsih and Chinese. In Chinese, Associated with embarrassment or shyness. But in English, it is associated with anger and excitement. Red meats means beef and mutton, Reds under the bed means left-wing activists.

2.2 White

white connotes purity, innocence. In English expression white has other associations. A white Christmas refer to snow at Christmas time. A white-collar job . the white is not necessarily associated with something good. In a white elephant(无用的)t, the white feather and a white night()

2.3 Black

in both Chinese and English, black is often associated with negative qualities. Such as blacklist, black market, black hearted. A black day, a black spot, a black sheep, a black mood, a black comedy, a black look. In some English expressions black has neutral association. In black and white, means something in writing or in print.

2.4 Blue:

in English, blue is usually associated with unhappy feelings. Such as in a blue mood, or having the blues. Blue Monday, and a blue fit. Blue is also often associated with high social position or being aristocratic. For example, blue blood. Blue may also has some pleasant associations.  A blue ribbon指徽章,bluestocking指女学者。The blue-collar jobs.

2.5 Green

in English, green is often associated with jealousy and envy. Green with envy/green-eyed monsters, and green-eyed. It is also often used to indicate lacking experience, training or knowledge. A greenhorn 生手。Is often associated with fruit and vegetables or gardening. Greengrocer. It is also the symbol of vigour and energy. A green old age.

Both green light in English and “绿灯” in Chinese are associated with authoritative permission to go ahead with some project. Apparently, they are derived from traffic regulations.

2.6 Yellow

in Chinese, has many pejorative expressions. Yellow does appear in yellow journalism and yellow pages.

2.7 Grey, pink and purple

in English, grey is often used metaphorically to mean gloomy or dismal. A grey day. With something unpleasant, is milder than black.

Pink can be associated with something best.

Purple is often associated with high rank or station in general or imperial or regal rank or power in particular. The purple refers to royal or very noble rank. A purple passage/ a purple patch.

2.8 Remarks on translating terms of colour from or into English

red alert空袭紧急警报。

red blooded 精力充沛的

red handed现行犯的

red hunter迫害共产主义者的人

black beetle 蟑螂

black browed 愁眉苦脸的

black tea 红茶

white alert 解除空袭警报

white room 绝尘室

white smith银匠,锡匠

green line(军)轰炸线,敌我分界线

green room演员休息室

blue alert(预备警报后的)空袭警报

blue jacket水兵,水手

blue water大海

brown bread黑面包

brown sugar红糖

brown paper牛皮纸

pink elephants 幻觉(吸毒后)

pink tea午后茶会


purple medic苜蓿

grey cloth本色布

grey mare比丈夫强的妻子,雌老虎

yellow dog   杂种狗

红白事 weddings and funerals.

红尘 the world of mortals, human society

红光满面 one’s face is glowing with health

红利 bonus

红人 a favourite with somebody in power

黄道吉日 a lucky day

黄泉 nether world

黄牛 ox, cattle

白菜chinese cabbage

白痴 idiot

白费 in vain

白金 platinum

白卷 blank examination paper

白面 flour

白薯sweet potato



白昼 daytime

黑暗 dark

黑管 clarinet

黑话 argot

黑货 smuggled goods

黑信 poison-pen letters.

绿宝石 emerald

绿洲 oasis

Topics for consideration


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