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来源:自考生网 时间:2023-01-30 11:31:19 编辑:自考生网编辑














第一章读书报告(The Book Report)

第二章完整的文章(The Whole Composition)




第三章论文写作步骤(Process of Vriting a Research Paper )




第四章范文(A Sample Research Paper)








英语写作是英语专业本科阶段重要的实践课程,是无能为专科阶段英语写作 基础的继续。本课程将在巩固专科阶段的句子和段落过渡到本科阶段的整篇文章的撰写,以适应和满足实际工作的需要。本课程从实际应用出描写文、说明文发及议论文等。通过对本课程的系统学习,应考生能写出内容充实,具有一定广度与深度的说明文和议论文以及带有注释与参考技能。要熟练掌握提纲及提要和读书报告的撰写技巧,写作速度第小时250~300词。


“个人自学、社会助学、国家考试相结合”,是高等教育自学考试的基本原则。现对有关的几个问题说明如下: .




3)合理安排题目的难度结构。题目难易程度分为易、较昴、较难、难四个等级。每分试卷中各种滩易程度题目所占分数比例一般为:易占20%, 较易占30%, 较难占30%, 难占20%。






3)多写多改。写作能力是在写作实践中获得的。要想提高笔头能力,就必须经常动笔,经常动笔是对量的保证,量的积累是达到质的飞跃的前提。经常动笔是帮助应考生提高笔头速度、减少笔头错误的重要一环,动笔时要牢记英语的写作特点,注意句与句之间和段与段之间的衔接。应考生要养成反复修改草稿的良好习惯。反复修改草稿是对质的保证,没有-个人一次就能写出好的文章,好的文章通常是长时间的揣摩、反复写反复改的结晶。对草稿要反复审读,修正所有病句和错句,删除对统-性和连贯性起破坏作用的句子,剔除不合乎逻辑的内容。在此基础上再反复进行推敲、润色,使其最终成为-篇给人以深刻印象的好文章。在完成课堂.上所有布置的作业的基础上,考生要学会给自已布置课外作业,坚持每天写日记,每周写周记。日记和周记可是记叙文或描写文,也可以是说明文或议论文,可根据所写内容来确定。在教学过程中我们经常听到学生说没有内容可写,实际上,如果对身边所发生的事情注意观察的话,要写和能写的东西很多。比如,你可以把听到或看到的有趣的事情记录下来,你也可能会写出一篇很好的记叙文:如果把从广播里听到的或路上看到的有争议的事情写下来,也可能会成为一篇很好的议论文:对你感兴趣的景物或人物特征进行描写,说不定你会写出一篇很好的描写文。总之,考生一定要勤动勤动手。另外,写电影观后感或读书想也是提高写作能力的一种好办法。开始学着写的时候,逻辑性未必很强,但时间久了,慢慢总结经验,取长补短,就会发现功夫是不负有心人的。以上这些学习方法,都是提高写作能力的“捷径”.但无论采取哪一种方法,最终效果还取决于是否能做到“持之以恒”.若能天天如此,长年坚持,一年以后, 写作能力必然会有一个飞跃。

4)增加阅读量。大量阅读是 提高写作能力的重要一环。人们发现,阅读和写作之间存在着不可分割的联系,应考生不通顺,句子之间缺乏逻辑性,思路混乱,词形式变化不正确等。






2)要突出本课程的实践性。英语写作基础是- -1 门实践课,社会助学单位和辅导教师要把本课程的实践性放在首位。做到课上课下都要布置作业,课下布置的作业辅导教师要认真批改,并在课堂上进行批评,使应考生在讲评中逐步认识英语的写作规律,不断提高其写作水平。对那些应考生容易犯而且反复犯的错误,如句子与句子以及段落与段落之间的逻辑关系,辅导教师要不厌其烦地提醒学生。助学单位对辅导教师批改作业的次数和篇幅要根据当地的教学实际情况作出明确的规定,但每位应考生每个学期被辅导教师批发的作业量不应少于三篇。对辅导教师和应考生的严格要求是保证教学质量的重要一环。







(The BooK Report)




I. Major Parts of the Book Report Information about the uriter Srmumry of the book Comments on the book


1. The balanced composition of a book report

2. A srbjective sunary of the central thene of the book

3. Personal interpretation and historical signification of the book


(The Whole Composition)




I. The Format of the Papex 

The margins

The position of the title

The capitalization of the title

The indention of each paragr aph

II. Outline of the Paper

Choosing good topics

Avoid topics too broad oI too narrow

Fornulating a thesis

Controlling idea

Supporting details

Sentence outline and topic outline

Simple and conplicated outlines

The 1ayers of an outline

III. The Four Types of Writing

Narrative uriting .

The order of events in narr ation

Determine the scope of events

The techniques of narrative writing

Descriptive writing

The use of senses .

Figures of speech

The techniques of descriptive writing

Describing a person

Describing a place

Describing an object

Describing a scene

Expositouy writing

The characteristics of expository writing

Ways of stating the essay

Ways of anouncing and limiting the sudject

Ways of annoumcing and limiting the subject

Ways of providing necesary infoumation related to the topic

Ways of leading to and setting up the thesis statenent

Ways ofarresting the reader' s attention


Process analysis .

The directional type of process analysis

The infornative type of process analysis

The organization of a process paper

Division and classification

Cause and effect

The organization of the causal naalysis essay

Conparison and contrast

Sinilaities and differences

Coordinate structure


Argumnentative writing

rgumentative thesis

Deternine the audience

Provide evidence .

Provide concrete support


Quotation .


The techniques of argunentative uiting .

Organization and connections


1. The correct foumat of aesearch papeu

2. naking topics

3. sentence and topic outlines

4. simple and complicated outlines

5. the techniques of narrative writing

6. the techniques of descriptive vriting

7. the characteristics of expository writing

8. vays of conposing an exenplification paper

9. vays of conposing an process ana1y8is paper

10. the directional type of processanalysis

11. the infounative type of process analysis

12. ways of composing a division and classification paper

13. ways of composing a cause and effect paper

14. ways of composing a comparison and contrast paper

15. the techniques of ar gunentative riting


(Process of vriting a Research Paper)




I. Decide on a topic

Find an appropriate topic

Narrow the topic to a manageable size

II. The Method of Research

Explore the library

Decide on the subject natter

Follow a certain ouder of research .

Types of sources

Evaluate source material

The reading of source naterials

Write down the information on the research cards

III. Prepare the thesis and the outline

Establish the thesis

The functions of the thesis

Write an outline

IV. The First Draft

organire the notes

expand the notes

incorporate the notes

V. Follow the MLA style

direct and indirect quotati ons

acknowledgment of source materials

forns of notes

the works cited page .


1. The adility to fix a topic, not too broad, not too narrov.

2. The procedures of resear ch.

3. The composition of research.

4.0rganize the ideas and put then doum in a form of an outline.

5.0rganize the notes and expand them into the first draft,

6. The correct use of the MLA style of in" - text citations .

7. The various ways of acknowledging sources of resear ch.

8. The fornat of the Works Cited page.

9. The order of the authors int the Works Cited page.


(A Sanple Research Paper)


熟悉和掌握论文的整体要求和论文的五个组成部分: title

page , abstr act, outline, main body of paper, notes和works cited page.


the format of the title page

the format of the abstract

the fornat of theoutline

the format of thenain body of the paper

the format of the notes

the fornat of the works cited page


The correct foumat of a complete research paper


I。Supply the missing conclusion 20% Study the following passage carefully and write a conclusion of about 100 words.Make sure that the tone and vocabulary you use ae in uninty with the passage provided.Like most little girls,I thought it would be very grom up to get my hair done

in a beautiful parlor instead of by my mother or older sister as it had been done for years.I also knev that at a beauty parlor I could get ny limp du1l haiu changed into shining cur1s, and I wanted curls more than anything.I vas positive that blond waves vere just what I needed to acquire the maturity of popularity s0 essential in the third grade.For a nonth I cried and badgered my fanily, promising everything if they would only let me get ny hair done a8 I wished. Finally, after hearing enough of my whining,, ny nother gave in and made an appointent for me .I was sure I vas on nyvay to becoming an adorable Shirley Temple.Things didn' t turn out qrite the vay I inagined. To begin with I was not taken to one of the fashionable beauty houses I had often seen on my way home forn school,but rather to the oldest salon in town. Its outdated interior hosted only a few olderwomen getting their thin hair inexpertly teased ove虹their visibly pink scalps. I should have suspected then and there that things would not be the vay Idreanmed, but sti1l, maive,I vaited for my transformation.I sat through ny appointnent nutrmeat never puestioning the mass of hair that fe1l to the floor nor the burning sensation as the rollers were pulled tight against ny head 。In fact it vasn' t until I arrived hone that I vsa ab1e to take a good 1ook in the nirror to see what had happened. Looking back at me was not a reflection of a cute; curly top ,but instead a mop of indescribable friz: the classic exanple of theovervored pernanent.Needless to say I overreacted and spent the remaining part of the day washing and re-vashing my hair to remove the tangled mess. When this did litt1e to inprove .the situation,I cried hysterically for hours, my head ve11 hidden beneath a pillow.It took a veek until I rould see anyone vrithout a towel over my head and a month before I could look at someone without feeling that they were making fun of me the ninute I turned ny back.


then I think about how silly I alvays laugh. Now it seens easy to accept such small disappointment,but if you had asked me then I would have assured you that nothing could possibly have been worse.In a vay I feel that such a fruitless journey to the haridresser actual1y helped me a bit further along the road to adulthood since it was a perfect example of a disappointing obstacle that can be inproved only by time and patience, and not by tantrums or senseless worrying.lI.vrite an outline 20% .Read the following passage carefully and try to compose a“ topic outline “forthe passage provided.

A Winter to RemenberAccording to the weathernen last winter vas one of the worst in living nemouy.We live in the depths of the corntry ,and my whole family agreen that it certainly a winter we shall never forget. Snow began to fall at round about thebeginning of the New Year and continued on and off for approximately ten days.At first we were all thrilled to see it .It fell silently and relentlesslyin large soft flades umtil every ugly patch and had become a spotless whilecanopy. The children s00n spoilt its beauty by having smowball fights and leaving their footprints a11 over it , Hungry birds too, in sexch of scrface.It was now , the garden vas a11 churned up and of a dirty gray color, that a severe frost set in , hardening the snow into ugly lumps of griny concrete, For the nextthree months the whole countryside 1ay in a grep of iron. .Every bay the birds grew tamer , often waiting hopefully almost on our backdoorstep. We fed them with bits of cheese, chopped up meat and any 1eft- overs ve had. Ve .a1so put out bowls of water, which unf or tunately within an hour had frozen solid.Indoors it was pretty cold too. Our central heating system proved both inadequate and uncooper ative; inadequate partly because it needed overhauling and pwrt1y because the poor state of the doors and most of the vindows made a .

whistling stream of cold air come thr ough; ncooperative because occasional1y 9t simply vent on strike .To make matter worse there vere tiny holes in the brickwork of many of the rooms.As a resrlt the water pipes froze so that fou several weeks our water srpply had to be brought in buckets from a mearby farn. We tried to buy mumber of oil stoves to keep these rooms warm ,but other people had thought of doing this too - when we called at the village shop the shop keep told us she had sold out and that although there vere more on oudex they were unlidely to be delivered until the spring which ,of course, was a great comf out Thr oughout J anuary and February and much of llarch ve sat about in our overcoats and varned ourselves by tanping to and fron the farl, lugging buckets of vater.0n one occasion the water actually froze before it reached the house; and our youngest son~ not the most intelligent of youth promptly took it al1l the way back to the farm.However, the good thing did happen. One of the children dropped a container .with a dozen eggs in it .I stooped dovm fur1ous1y to picd up vhat I thought would be the nessy remains omly to discover the eggs had come to no harn they were as solid as if they had been hard -boiled.Late in March, it finally thawed. Warer squirted forn pipes in at least half a dozen places. Instead of earting buckets of water into the kitchen fron the farn we now brought them in fron different parts of the horse. Eventually ve found a plumber. The plumber undoubted1y sared us fron drowning.I have been devoted to plumbers ever since.


I. Cold outside

A. Continuous snou

B. & severe frost

C. Birds growing tamer

II.Cold inside

A. An inadequate and uncooperative central heating system

B. Tiny holes ih the brickwork of the rooms

C. Frozen vater pipes

D.0il stoves sold out

II. 0ther effects of the cold

A. Sitting about in overcoats

B. Fater getting frozen before reaching the house

C. Dropped eggs remain uwnbr oken

E. Water pipes leaking late in March

II. Composition 60%

Mini-p1ays have enjoyed great populaxity over the past decade.Write a shout expositouy essay ( about 300 words) examing the popularity of

one of the mini- p1ay actors or actresses. in your wniting. underline your thesisand number your par agr aphs .


The Popularity of Zhao Benshan

1.0ver the past decade, mini-plays have become a popular forns of enter tainment. Together with the popularity of nini-plays, there emerged some well-liked actors and actresses.0ne such an entertaining actor is Zhao Benshan., whorose froman unlknovm actor fou the 1ocal stage to a mational star. His humouous acts ,fine portrayal of the Chinese farmers and the social inplications in the subject matter he has chosen. comtribute reatly to his popularity.

2,The hunorous actions and words are the key to Zhao' s srccess andpopularity. A nyone who has watched him walking on the stage - wi this hands

hanging dovn along the sides and head projecting forwardwill him forever. 0f all the roles he has played, the“farmer “is the nost successful.0n the stage, he becomes a genuine farmer.He does not only act like a farmer ,he thinks lide one and talks like one too. In one of his plays when a model coach fron town demonstrates a stage movenent for the farmer mode1s, Zhao imnediately interprets it as spraying chemicals onto apple trees .No wonder so many TV viewers conclude that inside Zhao inmediately interprets it as spr aying chemicals onto apple trees. No circulates the blood of a farmer. .

3. While entertaining the audience, Zhao shows a par ticular concern for the living conditions of the rural population. Many of his mini-plays江e set to

reflect the wail and voe of the chinese farmers and to voice their aspir ati ons. Ir a play,he , who owns a chicken farm, worries about the f or thconing

“ inspections“from an official because his experiences tell hin that some officials cone under the disguise of“inpctions “In another mini- -p1ay。acting as an o1d .farmer, he expresses the hope of the local people for a better road for expor ting their native produce to the narkets of nearby cities.Plays concerned with such subject moue not only the famers; but city dwellers a8 we1l.

5. As one of the nost brilliant mini-play stas , Zhao certainly has captured the heats of nillions with his spectacula perf ormance. Since the Chinese viewers taste for mini-plays is still on the upward slope, it' s lidely that Zhao Bemshan will continue to shine for nany years to come. .
















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