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  • 1、[主观题]【重新句子】The young man won the championship in the boxing match. The news soon spread all over the country (complex sentence)

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  • 2、[主观题]【重新句子】Because he doesn't like the tight schedule in the company, Robinson decides to quit the job and start an online store.(compound sentence)

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  • 3、[主观题]【重写句子】The glass plate has a unique style. It is very beautiful. (simple sentence)

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  • 4、[主观题]【重写句子】Ford canceled the project due to strong opposition from the President. The President had repeatedly criticized the company for investing in Mexican jobs at the expense of American ones. (complex sentence)

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  • 5、[主观题]【重写句子】Emotion management is a most important skill in children's education nowadays (periodic sentence)

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  • 6、[主观题]【重写句子】Bill announced his experiment results at the meeting. All the people present were excited at his findings(complex sentence)

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  • 7、[主观题]【重写句子】You cannot expect everything to be perfect. You don't know what will happen tomorrow(compound sentence)

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  • 8、[主观题]【重写句子】The ocean stores more than nine-tenths of the heat. The heat is trapped on Earth by (simple sentence)

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  • 9、[主观题]【重写句子】The little boy couldn 't decide whether to go to the beach with his mom. The little boy couldnt decide whether to play games at home. (parallel structure)

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  • 10、[主观题]【重写句子】Mobikes are very convenient. They may sometimes bring trouble to road safety they are not properly used or parked. (compound-complex sentence)

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  • 11、[主观题]【修改句子】Many of your decisions are shaped by your living environment including the medicines you take and the education you seek for your children.

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  • 12、[主观题]【修改句子】We need to reflect on what has been achieved over the past ten years. To understand what is happening now

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  • 13、[主观题]【修改句子】Previously viewed as an exploration of the unconscious, scholars now also see Alice in wonderland as social and political criticism.

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  • 14、[主观题]【修改句子】My first-year philosophy professor was inspiring, lively and with much patience

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  • 15、[主观题]【修改句子】Sales are up this quarter, however, expenses have increased as well

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  • 16、[主观题]【辨认主题句】Choose the best topic sentence from the four options below. Write the corresponding letter of your choice on the answer sheet
    A. We human beings have done quite well in exploring the solar system.
    B. The satellite has sent us a lot of valuable pictures of Mars and Saturn.
    C. We have progressed from light planes to the landing of men on the moo
    D Space crafts have landed on Mars and photographed Saturn at close range

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  • 17、[主观题]【辨认主题句】Read the following paragraph and copy the topic sentence on the answer sheet.
    There were different reasons for the destruction of English religious houses. The official reason given by King Henry was morality: the monks, he claimed, were acting immorally by accumulating wealth at the expense of the poor. However, there were political reasons as well.Thomas Cromwell, the new vicar-general, was opposed to pilgrimages(朝圣)and the worship of holy objects, and Henry did not wish to see his new government split into factions.But the chief reason for the action is financial. The resources of the Crown were no longer
    ufficient to meet the costs of govemment and the expenses of Henry's overseas campaigns.

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