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  • 1、[主观题]【重写句子】You should avoid imposing your own belief on your students as a teacher.(periodic sentence)

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  • 2、[主观题]【重写句子】Rachel enjoys eating Thai food. She also enjoys reading mystery novels and watching mantic movies (parallel structure)

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  • 3、[主观题]【重写句子】You fly across several time zones. You will experience jet lag.(complex sentence)

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  • 4、[主观题]【重写句子】People invent new words for their language. They also borrow words from other languages simple sentence)

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  • 5、[主观题]【重写句子】I won't pay these bills. You explain them to me right now.( complex sentence)

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  • 6、[主观题]【重写句子】The original project design should be improved. We'll have to drop it. (compound sentence)

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  • 7、[主观题]【重写句子】Would you look after the children? I am doing the shopping. (complex sentence)

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  • 8、[主观题]【重写句子】Mary is a considerate teacher. She is very popular among her students. (simple sentence)

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  • 9、[主观题]【重写句子】 It was broad daylight. All the passing cars had their headlights on due to the thick fog.(compound sentence)

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  • 10、[主观题]【重写句子】The potato can grow in hot climates. It does not matter. The climate is wet or dry.(compound-complex sentence)

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  • 11、[主观题]【修改句子】Joanna has had several short-term roles. Working as a secretary, as an office receptionist, and as a sales assistant in a clothing store.

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  • 12、[主观题]【修改句子】The new teacher was under heavy work pressure at that time, she could not fall asleep at night

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  • 13、[主观题]【修改句子】I am afraid that you have to make a choice between staying in a small town and go to a big city

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  • 14、[主观题]【修改句子】The horse rider was too excited to talk to his team members whose name was unknown

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  • 15、[主观题]【修改句子】When selecting her new car, the cost has to be considered by Helen

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  • 16、[主观题]【辨认主题句】 Choose the best topic sentence from the four options below. Write the corresponding letter of your choice on the answer sheet.
    A. Apart from the local economy, we should also consider the environment when talking
    B Some tourists leave waste and make noise, which seriously disturbs animals and local
    C. Touring by car will produce many poisonous and harmful gases, such as carbon dioxide and nitrogen dioxide.
    D. Tourism is one of the biggest industries of our time and is generating around 9.5%of the worlds total GDP.

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  • 17、[主观题]【辨认主题句】Read the following paragraph and underline the topic sentence.
    Before leaving home, I made certain I followed the right dress code. It was a long drive to the interviewer's office, and more than once i thought of being rejected. Then there was the difficult time as i sat in the outer office, nervously waiting my turn. I remember tapping my feet, shifting in the chair, and trying to read several magazines. Finally, my name was called.
    I took a deep breath and walked stiffly (l e#ts)into the office. The interviewer asked many questions, keeping her eyes directly focused on me all the time. After what seemed like hours she indicated I could report for work the following Monday. I shall never forget the morming when I had my first job interview.

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  • 18、[主观题]【辨认主题句】Read the following paragraph and choose the best topic sentence from the four options that follow. Write the corresponding letter of your choice on the answer sheet
    Retirement may seem like a goal to strive for, but indeed it presents a challenge to us Retirement like not having to go to work every day, traveling and living a life of leisure doesnt happen too often anymore. In our current economy, more and more individuals have no choice but to work well past the age of 65. the harsh reality is that most of those who cannot work-and even some of those who can-live in or close to poverty. Money aside,retirement also challenges us by forcing us to adjust to retired life. Work provides us not only with income but also with social interaction and a sense of purpose. So, our job is often an important part of our identity. When it ends, it's common to struggle with the loss of that Identity
    A. In reality, retirement can be a big challe
    B. For many of us, it can be unpleasant to grow old
    C. The youth are valued while the elderly are despised
    D. The age of retirement is a hot topic in modem society

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