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  • 1、[主观题]【辨认主题句】Read the following paragraph and choose the best topic sentence from the four
    options that follow. Write the corresponding letter of your choice on the
    answer sheet.
    First, there are always customers to be served. I work in a downtown
    McDonald's that gets lots of taffic, and as soon as I serve one customer, there
    is always another one ready to order. There is constant pressure because I can
    never step back for a few minutes and relax. Second, I have to put together all
    of the orders myself. To do that, I have to move all over the serving area:
    French fries on one side, drinks on the other, and burgers in the middle. I must
    always move at a fast pace. McDonald's has an image to uphold, and its
    workers must scury (小跑) about like ants. Finally, my manager really keeps
    the pressure on. He watches us like a hawk, and every time I do something
    wrong, he seems to catch it. He also has a reputation for firing people, and he
    never lets any of the workers feel that their jobs are safe. By the end of the
    day, I'm enmotionally and pbhysically drained, like everyone else, and we all
    head out the door grumbling.
    A. Working at McDonald's is very tiring.
    B. McDonald's ofers French fries, drinks and burgers.
    C. Workers at McDonald's are expected to uphold its image.
    D. McDonald's managers are all like hawks and keep the pressure on.

  • 2、[主观题]【修改句子】Jane started her speech. Reading slowly and clearly from her prepared remarks.

  • 3、[主观题]【写信】Write a letter of job application according to the following situation: Professor
    Liu who once taught you at university resigned last year and became president
    of Chung Hwa Commercial Bank. As a banking major, write a letter to him in
    order to seek a position in the bank. Plcase sign your name as Li Ping.
    (150-200 words)

  • 4、[主观题]【划掉与段落内容无关的句子】Read the following paragraph, find out TWO irelevant sentences and write
    them on the answer sheet.
    Each of the Russian manned space exploration projects had specific
    major goals. For example, the Vostok project was designed to test whether or
    not human beings could survive and function in outer space. For another
    example, the Voshkhod project was intended to find out whether people could
    work in the weightless environment of space. One Voshkhod cosmonaut (苏联宇
    航员) experimented with weighlessness by taking a“spacewalk." That is, he
    floated in a spacesuit outside his Voshkhod spacecraft, connected to it by a tether
    (系绳,系链). The cosmonaut who did that was Alexei Leonov. Several weeks
    later, Lconov's spacewalk was followed by that of U.S. astronaut Ed White.
    Finally, the Soyuz project, with three cosmonauts, had goals of testing
    spacecraft and spacelight skills so that people could fly long missions in
    Earth orbit. China's spaceflight skill are catching up.bord 1o8 o

  • 5、[主观题]【修改句子】Winning China's first ever Olympic gold medal in snowboarding,many Chinese
    youngsters were inspired by Su Yiming to dream big.

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