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    【题干】[1]The violence of breaking down the door seemed to fill this room with pervading dust.
    [2]thin,acrid pall as of the tomb seemed to lie everywhere upon this room decked and furnishe
    d as for a bridal;upon the valance
    curtains of faded rose color,upon the rose-shaded lights,upon the dressing table,upon the delicat
    e array of crystal and the man's toilet things backed with tarnished silver,
    silver so tarnished that the monogram was obscured.[3]Among them lay a collar and tie,as if the
    y had just been removed,which,lifted,
    left upon the surface a pale crescent in the dust.[4]
    pon a chair hung the suit,carefully folded:beneath it the two mute shoes and
    the discarded socks.[5]The man himself lay in the bed.[6]For a long while we just stood there,l
    ooking down at the profound
    and fleshless grin.[7]Some body had apparently once lain in the attitude of an embrace,and now t
    he long sleep that outlasts love,that conquers
    even the grimace of love,had cuckolded him.[8]What was left of him,rotted beneath what was le
    ft of the nightshirt,ahd become
    inextricable from the bed in which he lay;and upon him and upon the pillow beside him lay that e
    ven coating of the patient and biding dust.
    [9]Then we noticed that in the second pillow was the indentation of a head.[10]One of us lifted
    something from it,and leaning forward,
    that faint and invisible dust dry and acrid in the nostrils,we saw a long strand of iron-gray hair.

    【题目】【阅读理解】rom sentence 1 we can infer that_______.
    the door was firmly locked from inside
    the door was not locked and the ro
    om was clean
    there was no one moving in the room for a long time
    both and


  • 助考班推荐


  • 1、[单选题]The novel tells of a country girl who goes to Chicago to enjoy the prosperity of city life,who is loved by two men.Later one of her two lovers takes her away to New York where she becomes a famous actress but he becomes a beggar and finally commits suicide.

    • A、Moby-Dick
    • B、Sister Carrie
    • C、The Old Man and the Sea
    • D、The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
  • 2、[阅读理解]【阅读理解】From the word“discarded”in sentence 4 we can infer that the man took off his socks______.
    very carefully
    in a hurry
    very slowly
    very angrily

  • 3、[阅读理解]【阅读理解】rom sentence 1 we can infer that_______.
    the door was firmly locked from inside
    the door was not locked and the ro
    om was clean
    there was no one moving in the room for a long time
    both and

  • 4、[阅读理解]【阅读理解】From sentence 8 we can infer that the two lovers ________.
    had died only recently
    had died long ago
    had gone somewhere long ago
    had go
    ne somewhere recently

  • 5、[阅读理解]【阅读理解】From lines 7 and 8 we can infer that the poet“took the other”road because he thought________
    fewer people had traveled there before
    more people traveled there before
    no body had traveled there before
    it was the same as“the one”

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