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    【题干】Excellencies, you are the United Nations. (46) The staff who were killed and
    injured in the attack on our Baghdad headquarters were your staff. You had given
    them a mandate to assist the sufering Iraqi people. and to help Iraq recover its
    national sovereignty.
    In future, not only in Iraq but also wherever the United Nations is engaged, we
    must take more effective measures to protect the security of our staff. I count on
    your full support - legal, political and financial.
    (47) Meanwhile, let me reaffirm the great importance 1 attach to a successful
    outcome in Iraq. Whatever view each of us may take of the events of recent months.
    it is vital for all of us that the outcome is a stable and democratic Iraq, at peace with
    itself and with its neighbors. and contributing to stability in the region. In that
    context I deplore - as I am sure you all do - the brutal attempt on the life of Dr.
    Akila al-Hashemi, a member of the Governing Council, and I pray for her full
    recovery, too. .
    Subject to security considerations, the United Nations system is prepared to
    play its full part in working for a satisfactory outcome in Iraq, and to do so as part
    of an effort by the whole international community, pulling together on the basis of
    a sound and viabie policy, (48) If it takes extra time and patience to make a policy
    that is collective. coherent and workable, then I for one would regard that time as
    well spent. Indeed, this is how we must approach all the many pressing crises that
    confront us today.
    Excellencies, three years ago, when you came here for the Millennium Summit,
    we had a shared vision of global solidarity and collective security, expressed in the
    Millenium Declaration.
    But recent events have called that consensus in question. (49) A1l of us know
    there are new threats that must be faced 二or, perhaps. old threats in new and
    dangerous combinations: new forms of terrorism, and the proliferation of weapons
    of mass destruction.
    But, while some consider these threats as self-evidently the main challenge to
    world peace and security, others feel more immediately threatened by small arms
    employed in civil conflict, or by so-called“soft threats”such as the persistence of
    extreme poverty, the disparity of income between and within societies, the spread
    of infectious diseases, or climate change and environmental degradation.
    But, while some consider these threats as self-evidently the main challenge to
    world peace and security, others feel more immediately threatened by small arms
    employed in civil confict, or by so-called“soft threats" such as the persistence of
    extreme poverty, the disparity of income between and within societies, the spread
    of infectious diseases, or climate change and environmental degradation.
    In truth, we do not have to choose. The United Nations must confront all these
    threats and challenges - new and old,“hard”and“soft”. It must be fully engaged in
    the struggle for development and poverty eradication, starting with the achievement
    of the Millennium Development Goals; in the struggle to protect our common
    environment; and in the struggle for human rights, democracy and good
    governance. (50) In fact, all these struggles are linked. We now see, with chilling
    clarity. that a world where many millions of people endure brutal oppression and
    extreme misery will never be fully secure, even for its most privileged inhabitants.
    Yet the“hard" threats, such as terrorism and weapons of mass destruction, are
    real, and cannot be ignored.



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