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    阅读下面短文,请从短文后所给各题的4个选项(A、 B、C、D)中选出1个最佳选项,并在答题卡相应位置上将该项涂黑。

    Teaching children to spend pocket money wisely
    School-going children need pocket money for food, stationery(文具) and bus fees. Parents give pocket money to their children in different ways. Some give a large amount at the beginning of a month or a week. Others prefer to give pocket money on a daily basis. The way in which pocket money is given affects how money is spending.
    Giving pocket money on a daily basis brings little responsibilities to the child. The child may spend all of the daily pocket money in junk food(垃圾食品), as they know they will get money the next day. The thought of saving money never came into their minds. They may develop the idea that money is meant to be spent. Others spend more than they are given. They may borrow from their friends or their classmates. Then they would ask for money to pay off their debts. This habit of borrowing causes them to depend on others to solve their problems. Children need to learn how to budget their money.
    On the other hand, some learn to budget their pocket money very well and even have savings at the end of the month. The key to doing this is to distinguish between needs and wants. Buy the necessary first, and buy the want only if there is money left. This habit can benefit the children when they start working and earning their own money.
    Any habits is formed from childhood. There is no better way to teach children to manage money than to start with their pocket money. It is a good idea to start with daily pocket money and move on to monthly pocket money. When children learn to spend within their means, they are able to manage their finances well later in their lives.

    【题目】11. The passage is mainly about how to .
    A. budget pocket money for kids
    B. teach kids spend their pocket money
    C. prevent kids from spending too much
    D. help kids form the habit of saving


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