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    【题干】【完形填空】Cats and dogs can __1__ their way home, often over long distance. We often hear of cats which disappear when the people __2__ keep them move to a new area and are later __3__ back at their home. We do not know how they find the way. In the same way, many kinds of birds __4__ from one side of the world to another every year. This is known as migration (迁徙) . It is thought __5__ they follow the sun or the stars but no one can be sure. The salmon - a kind of fish that __6__ its eggs in rivers and swims back to the sea to live - returns to the same river it first came from, often after crossing thousands of miles of sea. Salmon are __7__ to be able to smell the difference between one area of water and another. Dogs know when it's time for the walk, __8__ they can't tell the time from the clock. __9__ disappear from home when the people are away __10__ holidays and appear again an hour or two before they return.

    【题目】【完形填空】 9. A. Cats
    B. Rats
    C. Pigs
    D. Bears


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  • 1、[阅读理解]【完形填空】 7. A. the young man
    B. the owner
    C. the American
    D. another young man

  • 2、[阅读理解]5. According to the author, _____.
    A) it is rather complicated to answer the question ―Why do we laugh? ‖
    B) it is really simple to answer the question ―Why do we laugh? ‖
    C) there is a sharp difference between man ’s laughing and animal ’s laughing
    D) nationalities seem to disappear about jokes

  • 3、[阅读理解]3. In the passage, the writer seems to pay more attention to _____.
    A) how laughing and smiling are connected with health
    B) comparing human beings with animals
    C) the degree to which laughing and smiling are helpful
    D) finding out if any research has been done about laughing

  • 4、[阅读理解]【完形填空】 10. A. on
    B. about
    C. of
    D. with

  • 5、[阅读理解]【完形填空】 4. A. travels
    B. traveled
    C. travel
    D. traveling

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