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  • [主观题] II. Write an outline. (20 points)
    Read the following passage carefully and compose a "sentence outline" for it.
    What Technology Has Done to Us
    I am not a patient person. As I was waiting for the clevator the other day, I
    must have looked at my watch 25 times in one minute. Living in a world of
    fast-moving technology, I am used to instant reactions. I push a button, the
    elevator should open, right? Ah, this is what technology has done to me.
    So, why do we use technological devices so mucb? It saves time and is
    convenient. With the Internet, we can receive and send information, communicate
    with friends and buy various items all instantly by the click of a mouse. In fact,
    our patience level has changed drastically all because of faster connections.
    While this technology does make it more convenient to receive information,
    sometimes I wonder if all this is too convenient. We take advantage of the speed
    so much that if the Internet is not working or the fax machine is not sending
    properly, our world seems to shut down temporarily. We simply find it difficult to
    function without access to our e-mail or updated news. In fact, technology can
    often make us lazy. I cannot possibly spend the time to mail a letter in the
    acclaimed snail mail. “Fax it. E-mail it," the world cries. Society seems to revolve
    around time as it never did before.
    This speed of communication has caused us to be so impatient that we have
    grown apart from each other. Our society can practically thrive without physical
    contact. Many people have all the required devices already in their homes: a
    computer, Internet access, a phone and a fax machine. Does anyone else think it is
    scary that a person does not need to even leave his or her bedroom to have fulll
    contact with anyone in the world? I think it decreases our value of face-to-face
    human contact as a whole. Why visit someone who lives 40 minutes away when
    you can e-mail them or chat online? It saves time, yet nothing can replace having
    face-to-face conversation with someone.
    What about those who have limited access to the Internet or other technology?
    They seem to get lost. Sometimes, when I am too busy to check my e-mail or have
    no access, I miss out on important information and events that have already taken
    place without my knowledge. The common thought seems to be that if you have
    an e-mail address, you must check it every hour, right? Sadly, this idea is
    becoming truth.
    While technology is an essential part of our thriving society, it should be less
    emphasized as the only way to communicate efficiently. Instead, accuracy should
    be the priority. While the Internet and fax machines are faster, efficiency can have
    its drawbacks. They do not always promise accurate information in sending. For
    example, these devices might not be the best way to submit important documents,
    such as college applications. Also, with the Internet, valuable information, such as
    credit card information, can fall into the wrong hands without being detected.
    While completely abandoning these communication devices is not feasible,
    society needs to be more patient with the inefficiencies of human-made inventions
    and of course with human connections.


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  • 1、[主观题]II. Write an outline (20 points)
    Read the following passage carefully and compose a “topic outline” for it.
    How to Lose Gracefully
    Losing is a necessary part of life. Nobody likes to lose, yet in every even remotely competitive situation, someone will. Perhaps it’s the next promotion at work, or the selection of a student union leader. Even small things, like playing a card game, have an air of winning and losing to them. However, it’s what you do with that failure that makes all the difference. Assuming one is the "loser," all of these situations present a choice. One can either be a sore loser or a graceful loser.
    Losing gracefully is the first step to move forward and overcome the loss. In fact, graceful losers are hardly impacted by the loss at all, because they know another opportunity awaits them. They congratulate their opponent, embrace their failure and try to figure out where they went wrong. Graceful losers do not take failure personally, but they do accept responsibility. They learn from the loss, and then apply what they’ve learned so that next time they may win.
    Sore losers are quite the opposite. Perhaps the biggest risk of being a sore loser is this loss of hope for the future. Sore losers are stuck on the loss, and in so being, they may miss out on a new opportunity because of their poor attitude. Sore losers get angry. They blame their loss on the opponent, not taking responsibility for their own actions. Sore losers hold on to resentment, and may internalize their failure, leading to low self-esteem or even depression.
    Of course, making lemonade out of life’s lemons is not always easy. In fact, it can be downright hard. But it is a principle worth living by. How can you lose gracefully, even when you really, really wanted to win? Essentially, you need to realize that you never really lose.
    In fact, once you learn how to release the feelings about losing—the anger, the embarrassment, and the resentment—you will always feel successful. And then an amazing thing will happen. When you FEEL successful, you will ACT successful, and then, sure enough, you will BE successful. As you let go of the feelings that cause the sensation of loss, you discover that you never really lose anything.
    The objects in your life are always changing, but what you are at your core is changeless. The more you release on the fears and negativity about winning and losing, the easier it will be to accept things that do happen. When you lose or win, you’ll then be able to do so gracefully.
    By releasing your negative feelings, you allow the comings and goings of your life to simply happen as they do. This gives great relief and also allows you to be present with and for the new opportunities that are here every moment.
    Everyone has failed at some point in his or her life. This is nothing exceptional. Even in adverse situations, one should keep in mind the principle of losing gracefully. A graceful loser will turn into a potential winner while a sore loser a bigger failure.

  • 2、[主观题]II. Write an outline (20 points)
    Read the following passage carefully and compose a “topic outline” for it.
    Smell, as a means of nonverbal communication, is important. Odor communicates not only when we are face to face with another person, but also when the other person is not present. People from different cultures may have different attitudes toward body odors.
    Most people in the West respond negatively to what they consider bad odors such as body odor, breath odor, or clothes that emit unpleasant smells such as sweat. They work hard to cover up their body odor and view those with body odor as dirty and unsanitary. However, people usually are not comfortable in discussing the topic, and generally will not tell another that his or her body odor is offensive. They will simply avoid being close to the person and will end the conversation as quickly as possible.
    Other cultures have quite different concepts of natural odors; they consider them as normal and believe that it is an act of friendship to “breathe the breath” of the person with whom they converse and to feel their presence by smelling. For example, Arabs don’t seem to feel comfortable unless they can smell each other. When Arabs talk, they virtually envelop each other in their breath. Smelling the natural body odors of one’s friend is desirable; denying him or her this privilege is to act ashamedly. In other cultures smell also plays an important role. In Japan, young girls will often play a game involving the placing of five fragrances in tiny boxes. The girl who identifies the most aromas wins the game. In Bali, Indonesia, when lovers greet one another, they often breathe deeply in a kind of friendly sniffing. It is not uncommon for young lovers in the Philippines to trade small pieces of clothing on parting so that the smell of the other person will evoke their affection for each other.
    Not knowing cultural variations in attitude toward smell can create uncertainty and even ill feeling. For example, a medical doctor from Saudi Arabia once worked in a hospital in the southern United States. Problems arose when patients refused to have the Saudi doctor examine them. Interviews with patients revealed two problems: He “smelled bad” and he breathed on the patients. The doctor’s training had apparently failed to include the difference between Arabic and American attitudes and practices relating to smell. Clearly, encounters between people with such widely differing attitudes could lead to serious miscommunication. To maintain harmonious intercultural business relationships, one should remember these diverse attitudes toward smell.

  • 3、[主观题]II. Write an outline (20 points)
    Read the following passage carefully and compose a "topic outline" for it.
    My Opinion on Campus Flea Market
    As we university students progress from one grade to another, we may find that besides other things, we have accumulated a large pile of things that are no longer useful, for example, textbooks, test preparation materials, tapes and CDs. How to deal with the pile is really a big problem. Some throw them away, some keep them as souvenirs, and some sell them in the flea market on campus.
    The flea market has much to offer for sellers. Obviously it can help sellers get some money. By selling things that are no longer needed, they can cover some of the original cost. This can be of much importance to students who need money. Last semester I sold about 30 books in the flea market, and the money was enough to cover my food bill for almost a month. Besides, selling things in the flea market can also help sellers cultivate a good habit of making the fullest use of their belongings. This will prevent them from throwing things away at will, thus becoming a thrifty person.
    If it just benefits sellers, the flea market can not be so prosperous. In fact, buyers also gain a lot. Things sold in this place are usually much cheaper than the new ones in stores, but the function is almost the same. If students buy their textbooks and other reference books here, they can save about 200 yuan every semester. It is said that second-hand book stores are very popular in foreign countries, and many students from poor families finish their studies by getting most of the books there. In China there are also many students troubled by financial difficulty. If the university authorities can organize a regular flea market, many poor students will find it easier to finish their university.
    The third benefit, which is usually neglected, is the positive influence on environment. This may sound irrelevant, but in fact, if we use second-hand products, we can help save paper and printing materials, and this can greatly reduce the negative impact on the already fragile environment. What's more, if we develop the habit of reusing products, we can make our contribution to the establishment of recycling economy that the government is advocating. Experts estimate that if all the textbooks in universities can be used again, we can save about one hundred million yuan in environmental protection. This fully demonstrates the social significance of the tiny market place.
    Therefore, if well managed, flea markets on campus can benefit sellers, buyers and the whole society as well. Of course, some of the used things may become valuable souvenirs and we should keep them all our life. As for those things that we can get rid of, we should carry them to the flea market rather than to the dustbin.

  • 4、[主观题]II.Write an outline(20 points)
    Read the following passage carefully and compose a ‘‘topic outline’’ for it.
    What Is a Rodeo?
    “Rodeo” is a Spanish word meaning ‘‘gathering place or marketplace for cattle.” A rodeo itself is a competitive contest based loosely on traditional cowboy skills of riding and roping.It consists of six major events:riding an untamed horse in a saddle;riding an untamed horse without a saddle;riding a bull;roping a calf;wrestling a bull to the ground;racing horses around barrels with women riders. A rodeo is perhaps the most genuinely American of all sports.
    The first rodeo took place following a cattle roundup in the 1880s.From this informal cowboy pastime,a colorful spectacle has evolved that contains many familiar American elements--the exciting action of bucking horses and bulls,the explosive masculine environment,the hot dog stands,beer barrels,boots,jeans,and cowboy hats.
    Today, most rodeos are staged in a large,flat arena that is fenced off to protect the viewing public.Grandstands are erected on two sides of the arena;on the other sides are places to hold the horses,calves,and bulls.Nearby are narrow chutes from which animals are released into the arena.On a platform a loudspeaker system is set up for the announcer, who introduces the riders and comments on the events as they happen.Near the arena are refreshment stands where people gather to buy food and drink. Portable rest rooms are set up near the grandstand,and an ambulance is parked nearby in case of an accident.
    An opening parade of proud riders on proud horses usually begins a rodeo;the performers carry flapping national and state flags.Then the two-act performance begins.Calf roping and bull wrestling are timed events.In the fastest possible time,a man must rope and throw to the ground a calf and tie three of its feet together.In bull wrestling,the object is to tumble the bull onto its back with its head and all its feet in line.Calf roping has been done under fifteen seconds,and a bull has been wrestled in less than ten seconds.
    When riding an animal,a contestant mounts before the chute gates are opened.The rider must stay on the bucking animal for eight seconds;points are given for the performance of both the animal and the contestant.In all riding events,the contestant is disqualified if he touches the animal with his free hand.
    Probably the most difficult rodeo feat is Brahman bull riding.During this event, a rodeo comes to resemble a circus because gaily-costumed clowns come into the arena to distract the bull’s attention from fallen riders.To stay on a bucking bull for as long as eight seconds is one of the most challenging tasks in a rodeo. Spectators eagerly wait for this event.
    The present circus extends far beyond the region where the contests first developed.Now rodeos are popular throughout the western half of the U.S.A.and in major eastern and southern cities.Australia also stages these events.One of the biggest rodeos of all is held during the annual Calgary Stampede in Calgary, Canada.

  • 5、[主观题]I. Supply the missing paragraph. (20 points)
    The following passage is incomplete with one body paragraph missing. Study the passage carefully and write the missing paragraph in about 100 words. Make sure that your tone and diction are in unity with the passage provided.
    Life Expectancy
    A greater number of people are now hitting the eighty-year mark than ten years ago. In fact, the life expectancy of the average human has gone up considerably and is rising still. This encouraging phenomenon is the result of many factors. Advancement in technology, improved quality of life, and people’s rising awareness about health are all conducive to prolonged lives.
    Scientific and medical breakthroughs ensure that patients receive proper and timely treatment. As people learn more about the human body, medical institutions and services become better equipped to tackle various health problems. Diseases such as cancer, which used to result almost inevitably in death, are now largely curable, provided they are diagnosed at an early stage. Tuberculosis and cholera now cause fewer deaths than in the past. Thanks to new drugs, therapies and vaccines, fewer people fail victim to the diseases that once threatened human lives. With advanced facilities, infectious diseases are strictly monitored and controlled. The rate of mortality no longer reaches an alarming height even aider the outbreak of an epidemic.
    In addition to better health care, the improved quality of life definitely contributes to the longer life expectancy. People engage in less hazardous occupations. As far as food is concerned, they don’t simply enjoy the taste, but also good nutrition. Mineral water, fruit juice rich in vitamins, varieties of vegetables and dairy products are no longer luxuries. The general hygiene standard has gone up considerably as well. It is little surprising to find airy and sunny homes with shining kitchen sinks and shower heads.

    To conclude, advancement in medicine and technology, improved quality of life and heightened public awareness of good health account for the extended human life span. It can be safely predicted that the number of people who live longer and healthier will continue to go up.

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