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  • [主观题] II. Write an outline. (20 points)
    Read the following passage carefully and compose a“sentence outline" for it.
    How to Raise a Moral Robot
    In the future, humans will create more intelligent and more moral robots than those portrayed in the recent film Chappie. What the film touches on is perhaps
    the greatest challenge of raising moral robots. The toughest part is how to safely integrate robots into society. As is known, humans are the most powerful learning
    machines on Earth. If robots are to be part of human society, they have to become at least second best at learning. Is it possible for humans to produce moral robot
    More and more scientists of artificial intelligence (AI) agree that true intelligence comes from learning, not just from programming. With a growing
    number of machine learning approaches available, robots can take in new information. They turm that information into instructions and learn from feedback
    to adjust actions in the ever-changing environments.
    Robot learning, however, must have limits. If scientists succeed in building sophisticated robots that can learn, they will have to establish limits to how robots
    learn. If robots are allowed to learn anything they can and want, they may become brutal bullies. Therefore, programmers must set rules and laws that prohibit them
    from learming anything socially undesirable.
    One approach to that problem is democratic robot learning. Programmers write a small number of fundamental norms into the robot, and let it learn the
    remaining ones. These fundamental norms will include prevention of harm, especially to humans, but also politeness and respect. The norms will then be
    translated into behavior, for example, what it means to be polite in a particular context. They also define conditions under which one fundamental norm can
    replace another. It's OK, for instance, to drop politeness when a robot tries to save someone from harm.
    Democratic robot learning
    would also guide a robot in dealing with contradictory teachers. Say one person tries to teach the robot to share, and another tries to teach it to steal. In that case, the robot should ask the whole community which teacher it should listen to. After all, the norms and morals of a community are typically held by the majority of members in that community.
    This approach would also prevent robots from learning something evil in human society. Humans are generally cooperative and kind towards those whom
    they consider part of their group, but they can become wicked and cruel towards those outside their group. If robots learn such hostile sentiments and evil actions,
    they may very well become a threat to humanity. Take robots in some science-fiction films for example. They get out of human control, turn their
    human masters into slaves, and even kill them. If those horrible scenes come into reality, it would be a disaster to mankind.
    Somehow, society will have to protect robots from continuing dark human heritage. If successful, robots will be helpful to humanity as a whole- -lending a
    hand in production, health care, education and elder care. That is what AI scientists should pursue, and those are the moral robots human society should raise.


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  • 1、[主观题]II. Write an outline. (20 points)
    Read the following passage carefully and compose a “topic outline”for it.
    E-mail—Return to Sender?
    For many of us, turning on the computer and checking for e-mail messages has become a part of our daily routine. The growing popularity of e-mail makes us wonder how we ever survived without it. In. our enthusiasm for e-mail, we should realize that e-mail is a poor substitute for regular mail both in our personal lives and in the business world.
    There is no denying that e-mail has many merits. The most obvious one is speed. We can send e-mail around the world in a matter of minutes. It is this speed that has led to our calling regular mail “snail mail.” E-mail involves less expense, for most people, than regular mail. Many people have access to e-mail for free through their work or school. And while some people may pay for e-mail through an online service, there is no increase in cost relative to the number of messages sent. Admittedly, e-mail is convenient. It allows us to send the same message to many people at the same time with little more effort than it takes to send a message to one person. When sending multiple copies of a message, we avoid the trouble of photocopying the letter, printing out additional copies, addressing envelopes, and posting the mail.
    Despite its many benefits, e-mail is not always appropriate. Before dashing off another piece of e-mail—in our private lives or in the business world—we need to pause and consider whether the post office or a carder might be more fitting.
    It would be sad to think that letters from friends might become obsolete. With e-mail, unfortunately, all messages look very much alike, and this sameness removes some of the wonder of getting a message in the first place. We have no handwriting to scrutinize, no perfumed envelope to smell, no colors or textures to enjoy. For these more personal things we must still rely on regular mail. Besides, opening old computer files is never as much fun as pulling a dusty shoebox out of the closet to browse through old letters and photos. 
    In the business world, as in our personal lives, e-mail is not always an appropriate medium. The issue of privacy requires serious consideration. Because of its electronic transmission in networked systems, e-mail may be accessible to co-workers and supervisors. It’s probably not a good idea to complain about the boss on the company e-mail or to write anything that shouldn’t be shared with strangers or potential enemies. The informality of e-mail may as well affect the image of the sender. For much company business, a certain level of courtesy and formality is desirable; e-mail can seem inappropriate because of its relatively slapdasn quality.Olien,because Of its speed,e-mail encourages “flaming,” sending Off rapid-fire emotional messages that can get a businessperson in serious trouble.
    While e-mail giyes us the ability to send messages with convenience,speed,and litte expense,it 1acks the personality and authority of regulaur mail.Luckily,however,we needn’t always choose one over me other. Instead,we should take advantage of both,using each to its best advantage.

  • 2、[主观题]III. Compose an essay (60 points)
    Some people say that computers have made life easier and more convenient. Other people say that computers have made life more complex and stressful. What is your opinion?
    Write an essay of about 300 words discussing this issue with the title given.
    Do Computers Make Our Life Easier?

  • 3、[主观题]II. Write an outline (20 points)
    Read the following passage carefully and compose a "topic outline" for it.
    My Opinion on Campus Flea Market
    As we university students progress from one grade to another, we may find that besides other things, we have accumulated a large pile of things that are no longer useful, for example, textbooks, test preparation materials, tapes and CDs. How to deal with the pile is really a big problem. Some throw them away, some keep them as souvenirs, and some sell them in the flea market on campus.
    The flea market has much to offer for sellers. Obviously it can help sellers get some money. By selling things that are no longer needed, they can cover some of the original cost. This can be of much importance to students who need money. Last semester I sold about 30 books in the flea market, and the money was enough to cover my food bill for almost a month. Besides, selling things in the flea market can also help sellers cultivate a good habit of making the fullest use of their belongings. This will prevent them from throwing things away at will, thus becoming a thrifty person.
    If it just benefits sellers, the flea market can not be so prosperous. In fact, buyers also gain a lot. Things sold in this place are usually much cheaper than the new ones in stores, but the function is almost the same. If students buy their textbooks and other reference books here, they can save about 200 yuan every semester. It is said that second-hand book stores are very popular in foreign countries, and many students from poor families finish their studies by getting most of the books there. In China there are also many students troubled by financial difficulty. If the university authorities can organize a regular flea market, many poor students will find it easier to finish their university.
    The third benefit, which is usually neglected, is the positive influence on environment. This may sound irrelevant, but in fact, if we use second-hand products, we can help save paper and printing materials, and this can greatly reduce the negative impact on the already fragile environment. What's more, if we develop the habit of reusing products, we can make our contribution to the establishment of recycling economy that the government is advocating. Experts estimate that if all the textbooks in universities can be used again, we can save about one hundred million yuan in environmental protection. This fully demonstrates the social significance of the tiny market place.
    Therefore, if well managed, flea markets on campus can benefit sellers, buyers and the whole society as well. Of course, some of the used things may become valuable souvenirs and we should keep them all our life. As for those things that we can get rid of, we should carry them to the flea market rather than to the dustbin.

  • 4、[主观题]Ⅱ. Write an outline (20 points)
    Read the following passage carefully and compose a “topic outline” for it.
    The Human Brain
    For centuries, people wondered about how the human brain works. Researchers were particularly concerned about its structure and functions. It was not long ago that scientists made the remarkable discovery that our brains are divided into two halves—left brain and right brain, and that each half has separate features and roles.
    The left brain is said to be the logical brain. It is the left brain that we use to solve mathematical problems and go think logically. For example, if you are asked how to make coffee, this is what happens. Your left brain begins to work; it searches its files for information on coffee making. If it finds the files, it begins relating what to do step by step. If it does not find any record, it says it does not know.
    The right brain is often called the creative brain. It has the function of thinking creatively. This contains all the artistic functions, including art and music appreciation. When you want to draw a picture or compose a piece of music or write poetry, it is the right brain that is in operation. When you come across a new situation in your life, your right brain gives ideas on how to tackle it.
    To some people, the left brain is dominant and to others, the right brain is. Of people who are good in mathematics and language expression—that is, putting into practice what they have learnt, we say that they are more left-brained. They are not very sensitive and believe in doing everything only after reasoning. They are very sharp at arguments. They are the type who will not believe in anything until they see it. Right-brained people are more artistic and have a good sense of music appreciation. They are also more sensitive and tend to be emotional. They are more open to new ideas and are willing to accept radical positions.
    Is the left brain better or the right brain? Both sides of the brain are equally important. In an ideal situation, a person should be exactly equal in both sides of the brain. However, as in most things, the ideal never happens. People are dominated by one or the other side of their brains. In order to function effectively in the world, we must learn to use both sides of the brain. In many situations that we meet in the world, there will be requirements for both sides of the brain to work together as partners. For example, when you want to write a story, which brain do you use? The answer is both brains. You need the right brain to think of the ideas and you need the left side to arrange everything in a logical sequence. You cannot go through life with only one side functioning.
    It’s fundamentally important for people to know these interesting facts about the human brains. However, many aspects concerning our brains still remain unknown. With scientists’ persistent efforts, more secrets of the human brain will be revealed.

  • 5、[主观题]Ⅱ.Write an outline (20 points)
    Read the following passage carefully and compose a “topic outline” for it.
    Last year alone, more than one million children in the United States chose home-schooling over traditional education. This stunning figure was released according to the National Center for Education Statistics. Home-schooling is a recent development in education. Not long ago, it was considered too radical by many education experts. Nowadays, it is legalized in every state and more than one million children have undergone home-schooling and many more parents are seriously considering home-schooling.
    The interesting thing was: What prompted such a change? There have been many recent surveys to suggest that parents are getting impatient and fed up with our public schooling system. It is seen as being superficial with no real-life skills being applied and taught.
    Parents are also concerned about the negative publicity often portrayed in news. Examples are school students taking drugs in schools, abusing fellow students physically and even students bringing guns and knives to schools. Parents are concerned about the negative peer influences that these students have on their children.
    Home-schooling offers an opportunity to end all that and allows parents to bring up their children in a natural and loving environment. It is especially important in the early years of a child’s development (between three to twelve years old ) as this is the period where they are prone to negative influences and peer pressure and cannot differentiate what is right and what is wrong. Home-schooling helps to protect them from such negative influences.
    Another benefit of home-schooling is that it is an inevitable bond between the child and the parents. The parents and the child spend more time together forming a unique bond. The bond gets stronger as time passes and later you will find that you can connect with your child better than you never thought before.
    Parents can also have better control over the kind of moral and religious beliefs that a child should have. Parents can impart their moral values and beliefs to their children easily since they spend more time together.
    So what is stopping parents from adopting home-schooling? For one thing, home-schooling requires a lot of time and money. For most families, both parents need to be working full-time to support the family. Many home-schooling families are dependent on one parent for the income. The other parent has to devote full-time to home-schooling the child. Therefore in some cases, it is not possible to adopt home-schooling unless you are financially stable.
    The other interesting phenomenon is that more and more home-schooling support groups are appearing in the neighborhood. They help to guide and support each other. Some home-schooling support groups have even gone online. If you do decide to go home-schooling, find a home-schooling support group in your area.

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