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来源:自考生网 时间:2019-09-16 16:58:13 编辑:fyt68




第31题 Jane changed her major froni French to business, _____ .

A.with hopes to be able easier to locate employment

B.hoping she can be easier to get a job

C.with the hope for being able to find better a job

D.hoping to find a job more easily

答案: D

第32题 In terms of education systems.one cannot say that one system in one country is better than_____ .

A.that of another B.another

C.one of another D.one another

答案: A

第33题 Tigers would_____ if men were allowed to shoot as many as they wished.

A.die down B.die out C.die away D.die off

答案: B

第34题 You will soon the weather here.and 'tllen the changes in temperature will not trouble you much.

A.get used to B.get over C.get to D.get on with

答案: A

第35题 _____student with a little common sense should be able to answer the question.

A.Each B.Either C.Any D.One

答案: C

第36题 Most of his_____ were never carried out for lack of money.

A.sketehes B.aim C.schemes D.destination

答案: C

第37题 Correct the important errors in your paper, but do not bother with the_____ ones.

A.light B.minor C.latter D.former

答案: B

第38题 Apart from caring for her children, she has to take on such heavy_____ housework as carrying water and firewood.

A.time-consumed B.timely-consumed

C.time-consuming D.timely-consuming

答案: C

第39题 After a three.hour heated discussion, all the members in the jury reached the conclu-sions that the man was_____ of murder.

A.criminal B.charged C.gtlilty D.faulty

答案: C

第40题 I didn 't know the word, I had to _____a dictionary.

A.look out B.make out C.refer to D.go over

答案: C

第41题 The difference between the cost and selling price is usually the_____.

A.advantage B.benefit C.privilege D.profit

答案: D

第42题 It is high time that such practices..

A.are ended B.be ended C.were ended D.must be ended

答案: C

第43题 They_____ building the irrigation canal very soon.

A.are finishing B.are going to finish C.finish D.finished

答案: B

第44题 In a time of fast social reforms, we should try to keep_____ with the rapid changes of society.

A.step B.pace C.touch D.progress

答案: B

第45题 A_____ achieVement of electronics is the electronic computer.

A.widely knowing B.being widely known

C.widely known D.having widely known

答案: C

第46题 The forest was_____by fire.

A.injured B.damaged C.harmed D.destroyed

答案: D

第47题 If you spare half an hour each day to read an English newspaper, you will surely be able to read.

A.efficiently B.obviously C.actually D.purposefully

答案: A

第48题 It is essential that all the reports to be published_____twice.

A.be checked B.would be checked C.were checked D.will be checked

答案: A

第49题 While l was waiting for her, I killed time_____ looking in the show windows.

A.by B.with C.in D.with

答案: A

第50题 I have to_____ my visit as I 'll be very busy next week.

A.call for B.call on C.call of D.call in

答案: C



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