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    【题干】Passage Three
    Scientist Wambugu works with farmers in Kenya, a country in East Africa.She helps themgrow bigger and better crops. She is especially interested in finding simple ways to produce morefood.
    In the past ten years, she has spent much of her time studying sweet potatoes.They are animportant food in her part of Kenya. A virus kept attacking the plants. It stopped the sweetpotatoes from growing properly. Some farmers, says Wambugu, lost three quarters of their cropsbecause of the virus. Even expensive chemicals and complicated machines could not eliminatethe virus.
    Wambugu went to war against the virus. She searched for a weapon that could save thesweet potatoes. This led to a laboratory established in St. Louis,Missouri.The lab works ongenes. Genes exist in the cells of living things and could tell a plant to produce pink flowers or ananimal to grow black hair. Now scientists have found ways to move genes from one living thingto another. This process is called genetic engineering.By making use of it,Wambugu created asweet potato plant that could fight against the virus. She tested her research in Kenya, and herplants produced magnificent sweet potatoes.

    l hat's just the beginning. the scicntist bclieves. Gicnetically modified foods,shec argues.could help farmcrs in poor countrics grow crops desperately needed.""What farmers need"".Wambugu says,“is technology that is packagcd in the seed." No cxpensive chemicals,nocomplicated machines — just creatc strong plants that farmers can grow simply,and fewerpcople will go hungry.
    Nevertheless, critics warn that it is dangerous to put genes into species where they do notbelong.Because gencs tell the cells in plants or animals how to grow, it is not known for surehow the mixing of genes will affect plants or animals in the long term. With that in mind,manypcople wonry about thc safcty of gcnctically modified foods.

    【题目】【阅读理解】This passage is probably from
    A. a public speech
    B. a news report
    c. a business letter
    D. a commercial advertisement


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  • 1、[单选题]l don't have anything _with my father.

    • A、in detail
    • B、in practicc
    • C、in common
    • D、in gencral
  • 2、[单选题]The number of cell phone users _____in recent years.

    • A、keeps grown
    • B、is growing
    • C、are growing
    • D、have grown
  • 3、[单选题]Jerry's doctor suggested that Jerry ___ in hospital for two more weeks.

    • A、stay
    • B、will stay
    • C、had stayed
    • D、stayed
  • 4、[阅读理解]【阅读理解】This passage is probably from
    A. a public speech
    B. a news report
    c. a business letter
    D. a commercial advertisement

  • 5、[阅读理解]【阅读理解】The bcst way to dcal with anger is _______
    A. to scream and yell
    B. to keep anger insidc
    c. to exprcss anger calmly
    D. to joke about the annoying situation

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